Beginners SEBI Courses Available at Online NIFM

For the purpose of regulation of securities market functions, SEBI or Security Exchange Board Of India was set up in the year 1988. The major function of SEBI was the promotion of healthy and systematic development in the stock market. The board acts as a watchdog for observing the activities of the stick market but it was only after the Board was conferred with a legal status that it was able to carry out its responsibilities in an efficient and effective manner. There were many malpractices in the stock market that required to be controlled and SEBI was set up for the precise purpose. Today, SEBI also offers a range of SEBI Courses available online that imparts education and knowledge to the discerning students about how a stock market works. Dynamic nature of Stock Market We all are aware of the dynamic nature of the stick market. Many people have lost their hard earned money in the market due to incomplete information and knowledge. It is important to have an in-dep...